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Okay, so the first thing we wanted to do was introduce you to some new technology that we're going to be able to use to help out with this writing group. So Travis and David are going to talk about that. Yeah. Thanks, Stephanie. Actually, I'm going to let David kick us off here with just a quick explanation of what it is and why we're using it. David is the project manager for this technology project, and then I'll walk through a demonstration. Okay. Thanks, Travis. A pleasure to meet you, Dr. Sampson. Hi. So basically, I'm fairly new to ACE, I've only been here about six months, and this is one of the projects that Travis assigned to me because we felt that there was a real need for a new way to collaborate and communicate to avoid kind of living in emails and having to wrangle which document is the most recent, which document has what changes. So in discussing options as to our collaboration tool, we figured we'd try using Microsoft Teams. I'm not sure if you are familiar. Yes. With Microsoft Teams? Okay. Perfect. So Microsoft Teams really is a pretty excellent tool all around for communication, and we figured we'd try giving the ICI group their own private channel where you can have your own private file structure, and that way you can manage files and communicate all in one place. Microsoft Teams is pretty cool because it allows you to maintain, Carla, Stephanie, correct me if I'm wrong, but the term is version control of the documentation. So you can see who did what edits when, and you can work on it real time, and it'll show you who's doing what with just little initials of who's on that document. So we wanted to try it out with this group. Carla and Stephanie were kind enough to recommend this team specifically because you guys are fairly open to new ideas is the way they described it. It's a little smaller group too, I think, with this white paper than with the diabetes guideline for sure. Certainly they said it was a smaller team, so we wanted you to be aware that we really appreciate your involvement and to let you know that this is the first time we're going to try this. So some mild patience. I know that anytime you try out a new process, there's bound to be some hiccups, but Travis and I have worked this for a few weeks, and we've tested it out in a few different ways, and we figured out a way where we just add everyone as guests to the ACE Teams server, and then we give you access to the specific account, and then Travis will walk us through what that process looked like starting from an invite. So thank you. Thanks, David. Yeah, and I'll just reiterate the fact that this is the pilot test group for this technology, so definitely bear with us as we troubleshoot any issues that might come up. So what I've done here to kind of show how this works is invited an account, this is just a made up Gmail account for these test purposes, and invited this account, this Gmail account, as a test user into the team. And so the way Microsoft works is you have teams, and then you can create private channels under each team. And so what we did is we created a team called the CPG Oversight Committee, and then underneath that we have the ICI private channel. So you would invite the guest user to this team, it'll show up in that user's email inbox, and it's pretty straightforward, you just have to go through, click Open Microsoft Teams. It's going to prompt you with this message saying that they're going to send a code to this account, and this is just verifying that this is really the account that needs to be given access. So you would hit Send Code, go back to your email, you'll see this activation code here. Copy this, and paste it in here. Then it's going to take you to a Review Permissions page, and this is just talking about permission to get into the ACE tenant here, Accept, and then you're met with two options. You can download the app, the Teams app, and use it that way, or you can use it within the web browser. I already have Teams on my computer, so do I just do Launch It Now? You could hit Launch It Now, and what that's going to do, since you already have one login for your current setup in Teams, you're going to have to toggle between those two environments if you use the app. So it won't open two separate Teams windows with your current environment, and then this new ACE environment, what it's going to do is it's probably going to prompt you to sign in to this new environment, and then you'll have to toggle between the two. So when you're working on ACE stuff, you'll have to go, it's in the top right-hand corner where your profile is, and we can walk you through that, too, whenever we send you the invite. For this particular demo, I wanted to show what it's like for opening in the web, Open And some people choose to do this too. So like we have Teams for our ACE environment. And if I'm a guest on someone else's team environment, I'll actually choose to open that up in a browser. That way I can keep both running at the same time. So I'll use my ACE environment on the app itself. And then I'll use this other environment that I'm a guest in, in my browser. But it's really a personal preference. So this is the Teams. As you can see, it's the CPG Oversight Committee. We have the ICI Writing Committee here. Move this one down. And you're used to Teams, so I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know, but you can send each other messages. You can use the at symbol to target a notification towards someone on the team or to the team in general. So for instance, if I did at ICI Writing Committee and sent a message, it would shoot a notification out to everyone that's on that particular channel. By your email. Correct. Yep. Which is nice because you're not always going in and checking these things. So that's pretty simple, straightforward when you want a message, and it'll be hopefully helpful to have all the communications happening in one place. Stephanie and Carla can announce when certain things have been updated or begin conversations here, plan for meetings. Okay. We also have files in here. So I see Carla's gone in and created a lot of new folders here. Did you guys want me to go into one and show how to collaborate on a file or? Sure. Which one would you like me to try? Let's do... Test folder is the one with the files, Travis. Test folder? Test folder. Okay. I created a test folder with some test files just for... Okay, great. I also have a file that I put a couple of files in as well. And there's one for an Excel spreadsheet that I would love for us to try out. Great, well, let's try that one first. Which folder is that in? That is in literature search results. Okay. And so you can open this right here in Teams. Great, and so I have that open. And actually, Carla or someone else, if you want to get in the same file, we could kind of demonstrate how you can collaborate here. Yeah, so Dr. Sampson has seen this before on one of her teams. You know, the people that are invited to this channel will have access to this file, and you can work on it at the same time. It automatically saves, it's automatically gonna keep the most updated version. When you have multiple people working on this and you put something, like say I put in include, and somebody else disagrees, does it tell you who did what? Or is that just the Excel thing that has nothing to do with this? Right, so yeah, as many people that go in here can give updates all at the same time, and it's gonna automatically save. Okay. All right, so is anyone else in this file right now? Do you want us to open it? Yeah. Okay. If you don't mind, we can kind of see how that works. Sure. Sorry, I'm trying to run two mice and two keyboards at the same time here. Okay. Yeah, the main reason why I uploaded this template is because I just thought it would be nice for you to see what will be coming after I conduct the literature searches. I'll lay it out in this format so that you'll see the title. Can you see me in it right now? Yeah. Yes. Okay, great. And you know, once we decide upon like any parameters, I'll have the date, and then I will have the abstracts for you for all of the articles that I pull. And that way you can at least do an abstract review on the front end to help out. Let me see. Let's try this. So if I type in a note. I can see that Carla's typing that there. So that's a good question. So are my, I guess my initials should show up. I see CS over here on the side. Okay, because it's not showing that on my version. So here's a good question. So if I put in my note, which like I just typed, I just put great article. Okay, so right now that's not, it's not showing up on my side now. Yeah, I think I just deleted it. Okay, so then whoever the last person, the changes that are made, that's what's saved, right? Right. Okay. Right, so you're kind of all in here at the same time. And so it's not really version control like you would think of in Word where it's track changes. So it's not gonna leave notes and a name for who did what. But if you were to leave a note and you guys wanted to keep track of who was leaving what note, you could just put your initials next to it. And Carla, I know you just mentioned that you couldn't see your initials. You won't be able to see your own. You'll only see everybody else's. So right now it says great article, bracket, CS bracket. Okay, great. Okay, that's really good. Do you see the CS? Yes, I can see, well, I see what I put in, but not the bubble for Excel. So, okay, well, that's good to know. So that's probably the best way of dealing with that is just to add initials. You're manually to make sure that we know. Yeah, like, okay, great. I can see David put his initials. Okay. Okay. Good. Right, and so, and you can see at the top right here who all is in the document at the same time. So it has a CS and then David. And so it's nice to be able to all be in one file, working on it together, maybe while you're on a call or you're trying to hash something out, collaborating on a document. And then so you can close that out and you don't have to save it. It saves automatically. Okay. But then if you ever need to go back and say, hey, we really need to see what this document looked like two days ago, you can go back through version history and find from every single change that anyone made, you can go back. It's always saving those previous versions. You can also, you can open this up in Teams or you can hit this little ellipsis here and choose to open it either in Excel online, open your Excel application that you have installed on your computer or edit in Teams. So there's a few different ways you can do that. You can download it. If you wanna send this, a link to this file to someone, you can hit copy link. And there's a few other options down here to move it around. So this is the file structure. I think it's pretty self-explanatory. We had a Word document in here to show too, but it's the same idea. You're gonna see everyone in that document making changes and it's gonna save the most current version. So that's really the two options you have. You have files with this file structure and everyone's gonna see the same thing and who modified it last year. And then posts, which kind of what I showed earlier, having conversations with one another, you can attach files. So if I wanted to... I wanted to go into that drafts, manuscript, oh, any of these. But right, so you can pick one, share link, and it's going to paste it into the conversation. And that just makes it a little easier for people to get to say, hey, this is what we're going to be working on during our call tonight and whatnot. But that's really it. And again, it's user preference. If you want to open it up in your Teams app, and it's going to take you out of your current environment to open it up into the ACE environment, that's fine. Or if you want to work on it in your browser, you can do that as well. And obviously, once we send the invite, we're going to start off with you two first as the chairs, get you guys set up and comfortable working here. And then we can expand it to the rest of the work group. Hey, Kevin. Hey. Hi, sorry I'm late. That's OK. We were just walking through this Teams. So Carla, this is entirely very new. This is something we are hoping to adopt. We're the guinea pigs, Kevin. No kidding. They think we're young and malleable. Don't tell them otherwise. You have to deal with telehealth and all the stuff that comes with COVID. Now we have another set of things to deal with. Well, hopefully this will be much easier than that. And again, this is the pilot test group. So we'll kind of walk you through it every step of the way and get feedback and make adjustments. And we're just starting off very simple, sharing files and carrying a conversation with this small group. So we're not expanding out into any other committees or anything else just yet. We just want to kind of see how this works for this group. So Kev, when you did the growth hormone guidelines, what did you guys do? Just email back and forth like crazy people? Lots of emails, lots of craziness, lots of track changes. Because I was the one who was collating all the references, I put in the references on EndNote. So I did all the editing and stuff like that, which obviously took a lot of time. Yeah. But so every, all the comments came, all the comments, the queries, the, you know, all the questions, they came back to me and I kind of had to do it in sequence. I'm sure Carla remembers this vividly, you know, version after version. Sometimes you kind of forget which version you've worked on. Yeah. I think this will be much better. We've done this also with, I think, Google Docs and stuff like that. Okay. So I'm really excited about it. I think it's going to be great and I think it's going to help us out a lot. We can also, that way we can keep track of conversations. They're all right there. So we're not searching for emails and trying to find whatever the last person said. I think this is really wonderful. Right. I hope so. I hope so. So are we the guinea pigs or are you starting this on other papers as well of this nature? You are the special ones. Yeah, this is the very first. You're the chosen ones. Very first guest that we've created within the ACE environment here. So it's exciting and I hope it really does help when it comes, especially file collaboration and version control. And obviously, it's important to make sure that everyone on this team uses it for their conversations. So they're not having parts of their conversations here, parts of it in an email, parts of it in a text message. It's really important, I think, to drive everybody to this so that all those conversations are happening in one place. So that's it. It's also helpful, too, because when we invite the cancer oncologist on board as well. And so we have two different associations working on the same platform. So that might be that will be helpful, too. Great. All right. So after this, we'll send an invite to both of you with a link to get into the teams. And if you run into any problems, please feel free to reach out to any of us and we can help walk you through it. It's pretty straightforward. It's going to give you a link that it's going to open up and tell you that it's going to email you a password to get in. And then once you're in, you can continue to go back to it on your web browser or you can download the teams app and use that instead. They both work exactly the same. If your email changes, would that keep you out? Do I need to submit more than one email? You will continue to use your email to verify your identity. So you'll need access to that email. And so if you're going to change that, just let us know and we'll switch it in the system. We'll find out which email you'd like us to use. OK. All right. Any other questions?
Video Summary
The video transcript introduces a new technology, Microsoft Teams, that will be used to collaborate and communicate within a writing group. The project manager explains that the tool will help avoid living in emails and enable real-time collaboration and version control of documents. The group is selected as the pilot test group for this technology, and the facilitators acknowledge that there may be some hiccups in the beginning. They demonstrate how to invite users, create private channels, and collaborate on files within Teams. The facilitators emphasize that all communication should happen within Teams to make it easier to keep track of conversations and document changes. The group members express excitement about the new tool and see the potential for more efficient collaboration in their work. The facilitators will send invitations to the group members to join Teams and offer support if any issues arise.
Microsoft Teams
writing group
real-time collaboration
version control
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