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February 2023 AACE HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
February 2023 AACE HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology conducted a Health System Partner Monthly Meeting on February 22, 2023, via Zoom. The meeting included various health system partners and staff/consultants from the AACE Grant Program. The agenda covered several key topics, including an update from CMSS/CDC, baseline data metrics, project deliverables and reports, monthly status reports and invoices, and requests and responses.<br /><br />During the meeting, the importance of completing the ACP Quality Improvement online course was emphasized, and the AACE will provide more information about the course to the partners. The IHI Quality Improvement Toolkit was shared as a useful resource for developing quality improvement projects, and partners were encouraged to utilize the toolkit in their own projects. The Month 4 Deliverables Report will include the completion of the IHI Project Planning Form and the Project Measures Worksheet.<br /><br />The meeting also addressed feedback provided by the partners in their monthly status reports. Key themes that emerged included addressing workflows, staff rewards for quality improvement efforts, and clinic culture. There was a concern about staff time and the need for nursing administration support to make necessary changes. Staff incentives were suggested as a way to reward those who adopt new protocols. Clinic culture surrounding recommended vaccines, particularly for patients with diabetes, was identified as a challenge.<br /><br />The review of Month 3 Deliverables Reports showed that most vaccines are not offered or tracked by the Endocrine practice, indicating the need for improvement in vaccine recommendations and referrals. The partners were given an opportunity to ask questions or express concerns about monthly reporting and invoicing.<br /><br />Lastly, AACE was asked to assist in developing education content for patients, staff, and specialists regarding vaccines. The group was reminded that AACE produces education content through various platforms and resources related to vaccines in patients with diabetes.<br /><br />A new Doodle Poll will be sent out to determine if the meeting day or times should be changed to better accommodate all partners.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology
Health System Partner Monthly Meeting
AACE Grant Program
quality improvement projects
IHI Quality Improvement Toolkit
clinic culture
vaccine recommendations
education content
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