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December 2022 AACE HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
December 2022 AACE HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) held its Health System Partner Monthly Meeting on December 7, 2022. The meeting was attended by various health system partners and staff from AACE grant consultants.<br /><br />The agenda for the meeting included a welcome and overview, an update from CMSS/CDC, a demonstration of the HSP communication platform, discussions on project deliverables and reports, monthly status reports and invoices, data collection, and next steps.<br /><br />During the meeting, the CMSS Advisory Council meeting and the CMSS data management vendor were discussed. A demonstration of the new communication platform was provided, highlighting the Files section where required reporting forms can be accessed and monthly reports can be submitted.<br /><br />Project deliverables reports were discussed, and the Month One and Month Three deliverables' reports were made available on the communication platform. The Month Three report includes two tables that need to be submitted.<br /><br />The reporting schedule was reviewed, and changes were made. Monthly status reports and invoices will now be submitted by the 20th of each month, with reports and invoices for the previous month. The documents will clearly state which months they cover.<br /><br />The meeting also addressed data collection and the metrics that will be collected by each health system partner, such as documented vaccination status, vaccinations covered, documented refusal, gender, race, ethnicity, age, insurance type, language, patient portal/messaging system enrollment, and zip code for health disparities tracking.<br /><br />Next steps include contacting each health system partner with a list of required documents that still need to be submitted and sharing data metric elements with CMSS in an upcoming report.<br /><br />The next meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2023, at 5:00 pm CT.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology
Health System Partner Monthly Meeting
CMSS/CDC update
HSP communication platform
project deliverables
monthly status reports
data collection
health system partner metrics
next steps
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