AACE Advancing Immunization Quality Improvement Co ...
AACE June 2023 HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
AACE June 2023 HSP Meeting Agenda and Minutes
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The American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE) held its Health System Partner Monthly Meeting on June 28, 2023. The meeting was conducted via Zoom and attendees were provided with the meeting information and access codes. Health System Partners and Staff/AACE Grant Consultants were present for the meeting.<br /><br />The agenda for the meeting included welcoming and overview, updates from CMSS/CDC, discussion on SoftDev data collection, open discussion on what partners have learned so far, and requests and responses. The meeting minutes noted the attendance of the Health System Partners and Staff/AACE Grant Consultants. It was mentioned that some partners were absent, while others were present.<br /><br />During the meeting, updates were shared on report deadlines, including the quarterly HSP report and quarterly Education and Guidelines report. Updates on the UNLV supplemental grant were also discussed. The group had a detailed discussion on SoftDev data collection and reporting. It was emphasized that HSPs cannot report de-identified patient level data, but rather provide aggregated counts on various metrics. The issue of the time and cost resources that each HSP will need to expend to report the data as per CMSS requirements was also discussed. HSP concerns regarding data reporting were brought up, and it was decided to invite Heidi Bossley, CMSs data consultant, to the next meeting to address these concerns.<br /><br />Partners shared their insights from the first months of their Quality Improvement (QI) projects. The group also discussed timelines for submitting abstracts for a scientific session at the 2024 AACE Annual Meeting, with the goal of presenting QI projects. There was also a discussion about changing the monthly meeting days to the fourth Tuesday of each month, with a poll planned to determine partner availability on that date.<br /><br />Overall, the meeting focused on updates, discussions, and sharing of insights related to advancing adult immunizations QI projects among the Health System Partners.
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology
Health System Partner Monthly Meeting
June 28 2023
Zoom meeting
CMSS/CDC updates
SoftDev data collection
Health System Partners
AACE Grant Consultants
report deadlines
UNLV supplemental grant
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